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Aging skin

Our face is often one of the first areas to first show the signs of ageing. Age spots, dry skin, crow’s feet, wrinkles, sagging skin, dark circles and generally looking tired are all big contributors to ageing skin. Natural aging can be exacerbated by the sun.

Smiling Woman

Treatments for aging skin


Skin Boosters

Microinjections of deeply hydrating hyaluronic acid HA or PRP Protein Rich Plasma restore the moisture in the skin, thus improving its elasticity, firmness and radiance. There are a selection of skin boosters to choose from, the results from all are amazing.


Dermal fillers

As people age, the natural loss of the skin’s collagen, hyaluronic acid and elasticity results in wrinkles and a loss of fullness in the face, especially around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, jaw line, brow and nose. The injection of HA fillers into these areas can temporarily improve the skin’s appearance


Medical grade skincare

Obagi Medical® Products have been specifically formulated to transform the skin from within to result in younger, healthier-looking skin. The Obagi Medical® Product range helps reduce the visible signs of ageing such as fine-lines, wrinkles, melasma (dark sports), hyper-pigmentation, laxity and uneven texture


Laser skin resurfacing

In fractional laser skin resurfacing, a device called a fractional laser delivers precise microbeams of laser light into the lower layers of skin, creating deep, narrow columns of tissue coagulation. This stimulates a natural healing process that results in fast growth of healthy new tissue.



Microneedling is an anti-ageing procedure that involves making micro-punctures in the skin to induce skin remodelling by stimulating the fibroblasts responsible for collagen and elastin production. It can be applied to the skin of the face, neck, cleavage and body.


Intense pulsed light therapy 

Intense pulsed light therapy is a non-ablative treatment option. It uses an intense but gentle beam of light to treat aging skin conditions without damaging surrounding tissue. Pain and recovery time are typically minimal. 


Botulinum Toxin

Wrinkle-relaxing injections of botulinum toxin, such as Botox or Bocouture – are used to treat wrinkles, frown lines and crow’s feet. This causes the muscle to relax and gradually smooth out the appearance of the overlying skin. It is used for dynamic lines and also helps to reduce static lines. 



Profhilo is a great treatment for skin rejuvenation. The unique bio remodelling injectable treatment contains hyaluronic acid but it does not does not plump or add any volume to the areas treated. The solution instead spreads within the skin to remodeling the structure,  and nourishing the dermal cells.



Jalupro nourishes the skin and aids natural rejuvenation. Jalupro is a safe, sterile absorbable injectable solution which acts as a dermal ‘bio revitaliser’ ( skin collagen booster)  which can be used for improving skin texture and softening fine lines and wrinkles. 



Sunekos® is a unique patented formula of Hyaluronic Acid, and a specific mix of Amino Acids, that corrects and protects the dermis from the signs of aging. Sunekos® stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin within the dermis, restoring volume, elasticity and hydration to your skin.


Chemical peels

Chemical peels improve the appearance of aging skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance. 


PRP Vampire Facial

 platelet-rich plasma is taken by drawing a small amount of your blood, placing it in a centrifuge and spinning it until the platelets separate from the blood. The PRP solution is then injected into the areas of concern and begins the regeneration of the skin.

Aging Skin

Skin unfortunately changes with age. It thins, loses fat which causes volume loss and the smoothness reduces causing lines and wrinkles. Veins within the skin and bones are seen more easily due to the thinning skin. Scratches, cuts, or bumps can take longer to heal especially if secondary conditions such as diabetes or vascular disease are evident . Sunlight exposure leads to skin damage which causes wrinkles, dryness, age spots, and even cancer.


Common skin conditions during the aging process


Dry and itchy skin


Many older people suffer from dry spots on their skin, often on their lower legs, elbows, and lower arms. . There are many possible reasons for dry skin, such as:

  • Not drinking enough liquids

  • Spending too much time in the sun

  • Being in very dry air

  • Smoking

  • Feeling stress

  • Losing sweat and oil glands, which is common with age

  • Hormonal changes


Dry skin also can be caused by health problems, using too much soap, antiperspirant, or perfume and taking hot baths can make dry skin worse.

Medication can also make the skin thin dry and itchy. 




With age, skin begins to wrinkle. It can be accelerated by (UV) light from the sun which can make the skin less elastic. Gravity and loss of subcutaneous fat can cause skin to sag and wrinkle. Smoking, also can also have a detrimental impact on the skin and contributes to rapid aging.


Age spots and skin tags


Age spots, are flat, brown spots often caused by overexposure of the sun. They are bigger than freckles and commonly show up on areas like the face, hands, arms, back, and feet.


Skin tags are small, usually flesh-colored growths of skin that have a raised surface. They become common as people age, especially for women. They are most often found on the eyelids, neck, and body folds such as the armpit, chest, and groin.


Skin cancer


Skin cancer is a very common type of cancer which can be caused by the sun.. Sunlamps and tanning booths can also cause skin cancer.

Although anyone can get skin cancer, people with fair skin that freckles easily are at greatest risk. 

Check your skin once a month for things that may be signs of cancer.  Look for changes such as a new growth, a sore that doesn’t heal, black spots in the skin or a bleeding mole.


Check moles, birthmarks, or other parts of the skin for the “ABCDEs”

A = Asymmetry (one half of the growth looks different from the other half)

B = Borders that are irregular

C = Color changes or more than one color

D = Diameter greater than the size of a pencil eraser

E = Evolving; meaning the growth changes in size, shape, symptoms (itching, tenderness), surface (especially bleeding), or shades of color, see your doctor right away if you have any of these signs to make sure it is not skin cancer.


Keep your skin healthy


You can help to keep your skin healthy by following some of these steps:

  • Limit time in the sun. It’s okay to go out during the day, but try to avoid being in sun during peak times when the sun’s rays are strongest. For example, during the summer, try to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Don’t be fooled by cloudy skies. The sun’s rays can go through clouds. You can also get sunburned if you are in water, so be careful when you are in a pool, a lake, or the ocean.

  • Use sunscreen. Look for sunshield with an SPF number of 50 if possible. Put the sunscreen on 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. Sunscreen should be applied regularly.

  • Wear protective clothing. A hat with a wide brim can shade your neck, ears, eyes, and head. 

  • Don’t use sunlamps or tanning beds. 


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